Sunday, September 16, 2012

Guide to HID lamps tanning bed

The lamps used tanning beds in all tanning lamp or tanning bed. When you buy a new or used tanning beds, and to consider the lights. Make sure they are good for tanning and meet the guidelines of the FDA safety. Another consideration is access. Make sure bulbs easy to change if necessary. To be able to easily perform maintenance yourself is important when buying a bed in the house.
There are differences in lamps used in traditional family and high pressure. Make sure you buy lamps tanning beds to sleep your right. They are not interchangeable. If buying replacement bulbs on the Internet, check the make and model of the bed carefully. Make sure to make lights you buy for your bed.

High pressure tanning bed bulbs

Hypertension family use quartz lamps in a variety of sizes. Gas inside the bulbs ( or pressure lamps, which is higher than the atmospheric pressure slightly. In this family, and lamps are located in the upper part of the bed, on top of the tan. When sunbathe on one side of the body for 10-12 minutes, you have to go back and tan skin on the other side. Surface of this family is more comfortable than traditional bed.

The biggest benefit of these lamps is the time you need to spend in bed. Since tan faster, you need to spend less time in the salon. You can get your tan in about 3 weeks of 3-5 sessions a week. With a normal bed, it would take at least one month to reach the same level of color. Maintain your tan is also easier. You need only 2-3 sessions per month to maintain the color, compared with many sessions each week in a traditional bed. These bulbs use UVA UVB, and is not responsible for the combustion.

Traditional tanning bed lamps

Traditional family use a long tube like lamps that resemble fluorescent tubes. Located lamps ( on the top and bottom of the bed. And tanned all areas at the same time without having to change positions during the session.

Traditional family use UVA and UVB rays at different levels. Use some others alike often use UVA with some UVB rays. UVA rays are responsible for the effects of aging on the skin and UVB rays are the rays that cause sunburn burning when you go out in the sun. It is important to determine the type of bed rays are emitted. You want to be sure to replace your existing lamps with the latest comparable lamps.

Another consideration in the type of bed you have at home or in a salon is a solution to be used tanning beds. Lotions are best for each different type of bed. Can your tanning salon owner help you choose a solution that will work on the bed that you are using and your skin type. Whatever you use the bed, you should always use lotion. Lotions help you tan faster and nourish your skin.

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